Users are able to take, edit or view attendance for a particular day by room or the center on a whole. Live views are available to review ratios and make changes as required.
The Attendance > Entry screen is where users will be able to check in children or staff from the web side, alter attendance records and review historical check-ins/outs by day.
The Attendance Journal page will display all check-ins and outs. This is a helpful place to come if an error is received while checking a child in our out from the InSite Select or InSite Provider A
The Attendance > Program Calendar screen will allow an admin to enter days that are In Session (Billable), Out of Session (non billable) or In Session (non billable) on a calendar
The Live View screen will allow admin users to see staff and students in attendance for ratio purposes. This screen will also allow admins to transfer students/children and staff between rooms to mee
Attendance can be added to the system several ways (the data will sync to the server so you should always have the most up to date detail when running reporting), here is a walkthrough of the process!