System Config > Door Controller

From the Setup menu, select System Config

Then select the Door Controller tile- 

Select the Add New Door Controller Relay link- 

Enter Door Controller detail, then press Save- 

To Setup the Door Controller-

  • Connect to the module’s website.
    • Retrieve the site’s IP address, (for example), and access it.
      • For help, use this link ( and download 'linortek discoverer' to assist in finding the module’s IP address.
    • Take note of the 'IP address' as you will use it in 'InSite Check-In' application.
    • Login with username and password. Username: admin, Password: admin

  • Navigate to 'Settings' tab, then 'User and Admin Credentials'
    • Create a username for 'User 2’.
    • Create a password for 'Password 2’.
    • Mark the ‘Active’ checkbox which corresponds to 'User 2’.
    • Take note of this username/password as you will use it in 'Insite Check-In' application.

Note:  Be sure to update the User 1 admin password, be sure to keep user ID’s and passwords secure to avoid any security threats.

  • Navigate to 'Settings' tab, then 'Settings'
    • Find 'Use Active Main' and make sure it is checked.
    • Find 'Require Login' and make sure it is checked.
    • Find 'Use RESTful Authentication' and make sure it is checked.

  • Navigate to 'Services' tab, then 'In/Out'
    • Take note of the relay number which is being used, as you will use it in 'InSite Check-In' app.

  • Make sure settings match the below image:
    • Click ‘Save’ is anything was changed/added.

For more information click here: