The Reports > Payments screen displays shortcuts to payment related reports.
Operational Reports
- Payments- this is a shortcut to the Payments > Payments/Adjustments screen click here for a walk through of the screen.
- Outstanding Balance-this is a shortcut to the Payments > Outstanding screen, click here for a walk through of the screen.
- Payment Allocations- this is a shortcut to the Payments > Payments, Allocation Listing Report- select search criteria then press search. To pull a report, select the Actions button and choose to pull either the Export- Excel Grouped or Export- Excel Flat option.
- Grouped export-
- Flat export (the flat file will be better for analysis or sorting because there are fewer line breaks)-
- Grouped export-
- Year End Family Payment- This link will take users to the Payments > Family Payment screen where tax statements can be created and exported- click here for directions.
- Credit Card Transactions- This link will take users to the Payments > Online/POS payments screen where transaction detail by date can be pulled, click here for directions.
- AutoPay Status Report- This screen will display AutoPay batches that have been processed by the system automatically in batch format or that have been processed by a center going to the Payments > AutoPay batch screen. When payments have been processed, the number of AutoPays will display. Click on the blue number to open an Excel file with batch detail.
- Declined AutoPay Payment Report- This screen will display unsuccessful AutoPays, click the export option to download a report.
Executive Reports
- Payment Program/Room History- Payment detail organized by program, enter search criteria to select date detail. Select the actions icon to pull detail into a spreadsheet. The data can be filtered by Normal, Program or Batch/Program.
- Batch and Report- Batch and Report allows sites to group payments together. This is most helpful when trying to reconcile deposits back to bank totals (bank reconciliation). Click here for more detail on Batch and Reporting.
- Payment History Statistics
- Payment Forecast Report
- Financial Report