Report Description
The Child Supervisor Record displays each student checked in and out of each classroom in 30 minute increments and the staff member who checked them in/out.
Report Conditions
- A date must be selected
Sample Report
Click the report name to view a sample: Child Supervisor Record.xlsx
Accessing the Report
- From the Reports menu, click Room/Program
- From the Report Category drop-down, select Child/Family
- Choose Child Supervision Record - Excel from the Report drop-down
- Select any necessary Search Criteria
- Center - select the center from the drop-down or leave blank to pull all data from the business level
- Classroom - choose a classroom
- From Date - choose a from date (required)
- Click Create Report. The requested report will open in Excel format
Report Fields
- First Name
- Last Name
- Program
- Time (in 30 minute increments)
- Teacher (staff who checked the student in/out)