When creating a new semester, there is an option to allow for down payments during registration. If the option for "Is Down Payment Allowed?" is set to Yes, the down payment amount must be entered in the Down Payment Amount field.
Down Payment Facts
- If there is a down payment amount setup, that is the amount that will be due upon registration. Families are not able to pay more or less than the down payment amount
- For example, if the semester cost is $300 and the down payment amount is $100, only $100 is due at registration
- The down payment amount is per family, not per student or semester
- When creating a semester, if the Semester Cost At is "Room/Program" or "Semester Family & Room/Program", the following rule applies:
- If the down payment amount is more than the cost of the room, the system will consider the room cost as down payment
- For example, if the down payment amount is $75.00 and the room cost is $50.00, only $50.00 will be due at registration
- If a student is registering into different semesters with different down-payment amounts, the highest down payment amount will be required
- Prebill, Discounts, Scholarship codes, and extra fees setup will be considered towards the Subtotal, not the Total
- Service fees are charged on top of down payment
- The highest down payment will always be required, unless the Subtotal is a lesser amount