Report Description
The Sign In/Out Sheet (Version 3) displays the student's name, start date, schedule, arrival/departure times, and signatures. There is also an administrative section for ratio information.
Report Conditions
- Center is required
Sample Report
Click the report name to view a sample: Sign In_Out Sheet_Version 3.pdf
Accessing the Report
- From the Reports menu, click Room/Program
- From the Report Category drop-down, select Sign In
- Choose Sign In/Out Sheet (Version 3) - PDF from the Report drop-down
- Select any necessary Search Criteria
- Center - select the center from the drop-down, leaving blank will pull all centers
- Semester - choose a semester
- Category - select a category to view students by category
- Classroom - choose a classroom from the list, if applicable
- From Date - the sign in sheet will pull for the selected date
- Click Create Report. The requested report will open in PDF format
Report Fields
- Center Name
- Classroom Name
- Teacher Name
- Child's Name
- Birthdate
- Entry Date
- Scheduled Time of Attendance
- Arrival Time
- Arrival Parent/Teacher Signature
- Departure Time
- Departure Parent/Teacher Signature
- Explanation
- Administrative Use Only
- Attendance
- Teacher Ration Time Check
- Teacher Ration Check
- AD Ratio Check
- Primary Signature (Staff)
- Arrival Time
- Lunch Out
- Lunch In
- Departure Time
- Coverage Teacher
- Arrival Time
- Lunch Out
- Lunch In
- Departure Time