The Teacher/Staff Portal is a hub that any user added under Staff > Staff List will have access to. By default, those teachers and staff members will be associated with the staff/teacher portal role.
On the home screen of the portal, the below tiles are available:
- Announcement- important and general information is posted here from the business level or admin users.
- Announcements are created from the admin side under Connect > Announcements
- Classroom List - this list displays the number of children expected by center and classroom on each day
- Semester- this displays the number of children expected by center, classroom, and semester
- Programs- this tile allows staff to pull classroom reports and the ability to merge information records
- Directory- staff is able to pull Directory Reports by semester, category, or classroom
- Schedule- this section will allow staff to check in/out students
- At a Glance - allows staff to pull a report based on center, semester, or classroom. Report displays student's full name, phone number, and guardian information
- Staff Schedule - will display the staff members schedule and able to view attendance
- Account - displays the staff member's user name, authentication code, full name, and the ability to reset their password