The Auto-Pay tab in the system will display if a parent is registered to have payments deducted from their payment method automatically. The settings around this ability can be found here.
Please Note: The auto-pay schedule will be determined by the effective date and the billing schedule. For example: If Family A added their auto-pay method on 1/8/24 and the schedule set up by the center is bi-weekly on Friday, auto-pay will run 1/12/24 and then again on 1/26/24. If Family B added their payment method on 1/15/24 with the same auto-pay schedule, their auto-pay will run 1/19/24 and then again on 2/2/24.
If a payment method already exists, it will display under the payment method list. From this screen, staff can edit or delete an auto-pay method for a parent.
With proper permissions parents are able to self service their auto-pay information from the portal- click here for an overview.
To see all parents who have registered an auto-pay account you can pull the auto-pay holder report.
If payments are set to process automatically, nothing further is required from staff/admin users.. If batches are being created manually, to create an auto-pay batch go to the Payments > AutoPay Batch Screen.