If a staff or admin user has access to the family record screen and the ability to add a sibling, they will be able to add a child for a parent.
Available fields on the Admission/Personal tab of the Child Record.
This screen will display basic Doctor/Health detail for the selected child.
The Program/Room assignment tab displays a student's scheduled classrooms, events or programs.
You can use the Assignment Actions tab to make changes to existing child/student schedules.
The Calendar View displays the student's schedule in a calendar format. This can not be exported it is for admin/staff visual purposes only.
The additional information screen displays demographic data, consent and permission detail.
The More, Health screen displays detailed information on child/student allergies and general health information.
The incidents section allows admin users to track and report events or issues that occur while a child is at a center.
This section of the child record will allow administrators to add, edit or inactivate contacts for children.
The Sponsors tab on the More drop down list links users to the Third Party Screen of the family record.
Information Record cards are typically state or site defined forms, when selected mapped data for the selected child will print on the form.
The Daily sheet section on the child record displays daily insites that have been added for children and also allows staff/admin to add individual insites.
The Daily Log section allows users to view and add notes for a specific family.
How to pull a full year's attendance list for specific children
Program Templates allow a user to setup a custom attedance schedule for a specific child- attending every other week or allow a center to associate a specific set of weeks to one sponsor or the other
The Documents section of the child record allows users to upload and file child speicifc documents in the system.
The Registration- Excel file displays a child's registration detail in excel format.
The parent managed calendar option on the more drop down menu allows admin/staff users to add parent manged calendar days for children/families from the admin side.
The Transportation Profile can be printed for each child in order to display basic demographic information.