New Articles

  1. Setup > Room, Room/Program- Extra Fee Setup

    The Extra Fee Setup allows administrators to add an additional fee to a room. Extra fees could be used to charge for any required materials for a specific room or t-shirt orders. Please  Note : In the family's financial ledger, the fee t...
  2. Setup > Room, Room/Program- Extra Program Registration Info

    Registration questions at the classroom level allows centers to ask specific questions for parents through the Connect Portal during registration. These questions can be either a singular answer or a
  3. Setup > Room, Room/Program - Upload a Classroom Picture

    A classroom image can be displayed during registration, to upload a classroom photo, follow the instructions below: Navigate to the Setup screen, click Setup from the menu Select Classroom Select the correct Semester Locate the correct Catego...
  4. Setup > Room, Room/Program (View Semester)

    In order for a room to display as available for registration on new registration pages and/or the parent portal the room MUST be authorized to a semester. This screen will allow you to customize.
  5. Setup > Room, Category- Registration Confirmation Questions

    Registration confirmation questions allow for sites to ask their parents to verify information before registration is complete. These types of questions are typically questions such as- "I confirm I
  6. Setup > Room, Category - Registration Setup

    The registration setup area allows users to set questions will that be displayed, hidden or required on registration forms. This setup can be created at the category level or the room/program level.
  7. Setup > Room, Category- Upload a Category Picture

    Uploading a Category Picture allows a site to link to the picture in their description or finishing text.
  8. Financial- How to process a refund

    To process a refund go to the family's financial page and select the payment corrections icon.
  9. Financial- How to create a PDF copy of statements for families

    The Print Batch Statements option creates a PDF for a time period of all family statements.
  10. Registration/Enrollment Errors

    Common issues while registering/enrolling children.