New Articles

  1. Meals > Times

    The Meals > Times screen allows centers to add times meals will be served for each type of meal.
  2. Meals > Rates

    The Meals > Rates screen allows users to add the rate for meals for both CACFP and Non-CACFP sites.
  3. Meals > Summary

    The Meals > Summary screen will display a CACFP Report Summary for a selected State, Month and Year.
  4. Meals > Meal Count

    The Meal Count screen will display the number of meals served in a particular period for a particular site.
  5. Meals > Entry

    The Meals > Entry page allows users record meals served from the admin side.
  6. Attendance > Live View

    The Live View screen will allow admin users to see staff and students in attendance for ratio purposes. This screen will also allow admins to transfer students/children and staff between rooms to mee
  7. Attendance > Reconcile

    The Attendance > Reconcile page will display expected vs actual attendance for a site.
  8. Attendance > Program Calendar

    The Attendance > Program Calendar screen will allow an admin to enter days that are In Session (Billable), Out of Session (non billable) or In Session (non billable) on a calendar
  9. Attendance > Attendance Journal

    The Attendance Journal page will display all check-ins and outs. This is a helpful place to come if an error is received while checking a child in our out from the InSite Select or InSite Provider A
  10. Attendance > Entry

    The Attendance > Entry screen is where users will be able to check in children or staff from the web side, alter attendance records and review historical check-ins/outs by day.