New Articles

  1. System Config > General Config, Statement

    This screen displays general config options related to the statement.
  2. Quick Links - Batch and Report

    How to group payments together, this will be most helpful if sites are trying to balance back to a bank statment.
  3. Billing- Transactional versus Defined

    Each site is set up as transactional or defined billing, this will relate to how a site is able to bill their families.
  4. Family- How to add a contact as a payer

    How to add a contact as a payer from the admin side of the site.
  5. Financial- How to add a late fee to multiple family accounts

    How to add a late fee to multiple family accounts.
  6. Family Record, Financials Tab - Adjustments/Add Fee

    How to add a debit or credit- create an adjustment on a family account.
  7. Family Record, Child Tab- Program/Room Assignment, Assignment Actions

    You can use the Assignment Actions tab to make changes to existing child/student schedules.
  8. Family- How to add a day for a child from a parent managed calendar

    From the admin side days can be added for children involved in parent managed programs. To add a day to a child's record, the child must already be associated with the parent managed registration ro
  9. Favorites

    Favorites allow users to bookmark pages or reports.
  10. Quick Links- Things to Do

    Quick Links allow users to jump to sections of the system quickly and easily.