New Articles

  1. Staff > Staff List, Adding/Editing Staff Records - Attendance

    The Staff Attendance screen allows administrators to view or export attendance information for the selected staff member. The following information will display: Check In Date Check In Time Check In User Check Out Date Check Out Time Check Ou...
  2. Staff > Staff List, Adding/Editing Staff Records

    How to add or edit staff profiles in the system.
  3. Staff > Staff List

    The Staff List screen will display active and inactive staff that have been added to a site/business.
  4. CACFP - General Information

    What is CACFP? Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federally funded program that "provides aid to child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the well...
  5. Family > Lead Management, Add New Lead

    From the Family > Lead Management screen, new leads can be added. Leads should be composed of potential families that are interested in signing up for programs or events.
  6. Training Checklist

    Training Checklist Below are the topics that will be covered during setup and training.  To get a head start begin walking through the linked pages and engage in some self-discovery.   Make sure to keep track of questions or issues you c...
  7. Home Screen Overview

    When first logging in, the initial screen that will display is the Home > Information page.
  8. Basic Navigation/Searching Tips

    Searching within DayCare Works/SchoolCare Works is easy, there are a couple of methods. You will find that you may use each method in varying circumstances.
  9. Kickoff Checklist

    Welcome to Procare Software! This section will display basic information that will be discussed in the kickoff meeting and next steps.
  10. Post-Kickoff Activities

    Post-Kickoff Activites, initial items to review upon logging into the system for the first time!