New Articles

  1. Creating Camp Rooms

    Camps are similar to events but parents select days they want their child to attend on the Connect Portal during registration. The camp days can be setup with individual costs; depending on the activ
  2. Creating Parent Managed Registration & Calendar Rooms

    Parent managed classrooms allow parents to register children for a classroom and then select the days the child will attend the classroom from a calendar. This system is entirely managed by the paren
  3. Creating a Reoccurring Billing Classroom

    Reoccurring Billing Classrooms are programs or rooms that have a weekly or monthly reoccurring billing cycle.
  4. Creating an Event

    Events are classrooms with a one-time charge that is applied to a family's financial ledger during registration. Parents are not billed for events when running billing. The one-time charge for an eve
  5. Setup > Classroom

    The setup > classroom area is where administrators will create programming or the roster options children can be associated with in the system.
  6. How to Clone a Room/Program

    Once a room/program has been setup and configured, the room/program can be cloned if additional options are required.
  7. Sample Email Templates

    Email Templates can be set at the business level or center level and will allow consistent messaging to be sent out when particular actions are taken in the system.
  8. Semester Summary

    The Semester Summary page allows users to see which room/site asssociations have been added to each semester.
  9. Go-Live User Checklist

    Before you Go-Live, be sure you can do some of the most essential tasks within the system. This will help you to keep track of your progress.
  10. Admins, Setup Groups

    Setting up groups allows administrators to group individuals together to give/remove certain permissions. To setup a group: To setup a Group, click Action Select Setup Groups Click Add Group Complete the Add New Group section Enter a ...