New Articles

  1. Attendance - Enrolled and active Children with no schedules (Activity ID 1563)

    An excel report that displays children who are actively enrolled in a room but do not have schedules as of the From Date. This report includes center name, child ID, child name, parent name, room nam
  2. Attendance- Discharge Report - Excel (Activity ID 406)

    The Discharge Report displays students who have been discharged for a site/facilitiy. This is a detailed report indicating the children who have been discharged from the facility.
  3. Attendance- Classroom Assignments - PDF (Activity ID 1587)

    A classroom assignment report that includes child ID, child name, center, semester, room, rate, override rate, schedule start date, schedule end date, and weekly schedule.
  4. Attendance - Class Count - PDF (Activity ID 723)

    This report lists the enrollment and extra information for a classroom, sorted by semester
  5. Attendance - Class Count (Version 2) - PDF (Activity ID 725)

    A PDF report that displays the number of children enrolled in a classroom, displayed with multiple semesters.
  6. Attendance- Child Withdrawal Detail - Excel (Activity ID 589)

    The Attendance- Child Withdrawal Detail - Excel is a detailed report that displays the name and information for children that have withdrawn from the facility.
  7. Attendance- Child Attendance Reconcile Summary - Excel (Actvity ID 522)

    This is a detailed report of the days a child was scheduled to attend a facility and the actual number of days the child attended the facility.
  8. Attendance- Child Attendance Detail - Excel (Activity ID 541)

    This report provides a summary of child attendance for a given week and includes First and Last Name, Date and Time of Check in/Check out, as well as the username or PIN of the person who checked the child in or out. The report also shows Total Hours Actual and Total Hours Fractional.
  9. Attendance- Child Attendance Detail (Version 2) - Excel (Activity ID 969)

    This is a detailed report of the time a student entered and exited a classroom. This report includes the fractional hours the child attended.
  10. Attendance- Child Attendance (Actual Agency) - PDF (Activity ID 559)

    The Monthly Child Attendance (Actual Agency) report displays the monthly child attendance for children with third party agency or third party sponsors within the facility