New Articles

  1. Attendance- Actual Attendance AM/PM - Excel (Activity ID 1216)

    This report shows the AM and PM counts of students per center.
  2. Attendance- Active Not Attending - PDF (Activity ID 632)

    This PDF report displays the names of children that are still actively enrolled in a classroom but have not had attendance recorded for a week.
  3. Attendance- Absent Roster - PDF (Activity ID 1031)

    This report generates a PDF report of child absences for a given date range. Report includes parent name, child name, number of days absent, dates absent, and reason.
  4. Attendance- Absent Days Taken- Excel (Activity ID 966)

    This report displays the number of days a child was scheduled as absent in the Platform.
  5. Payments - Unallocated Third Party Payment Report - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Unallocated Third Party Payment report displays a list of outstanding payments that have not been allocated for a third party agency. When pulling data, each center will be on a new tab of the Excel version. Report Condit...
  6. Misc - Weekly Indicators Report - Excel

    Report Description The Weekly Indicators Report is used to review key metrics including revenue, staffing levels, and capacity detail. Report Conditions If a From Date is not selected, data will pull for the entire year Sample Report Cl...
  7. Misc - Charges and Credits by Family Center - PDF

    Report Description This report gathers the revenue data and payment transactions based on the family center. Please Note: discounts are not separated out on this version of the report, they are included in the amount of the transaction. Repor...
  8. Deposit - Deposit By Type Report

    Report Description The Deposit By Type report displays deposit allocations sorted by category for each facility. This report can also be searched by invoice number. Report Conditions Leaving the date fields blank will pull all data up until ...
  9. Reports to Get You Started

    Basic reports that will get you started when you are first using the system.
  10. Balance and Collection - Balance Due Report

    Report Description The Balance Due report displays the balance due from parents and third party agencies.  Report Conditions When pulling data from the business level, each center will display on a separate tab Sample Report Click ...