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  1. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Registration-Excel

    The Registration- Excel file displays a child's registration detail in excel format.
  2. Family Record, Child Tab - More, CACFP

    Once CACFP guidelines have been setup , the status (free, reduced or paid) can be added to each student within a family. Alternatively, the system can calculate the student's status. Adding a Student's Status - Manually To manually add ...
  3. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Documents/Checklist

    The Documents section of the child record allows users to upload and file child speicifc documents in the system.
  4. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Manage Program Templates

    Program Templates allow a user to setup a custom attedance schedule for a specific child- attending every other week or allow a center to associate a specific set of weeks to one sponsor or the other
  5. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Attendance

    How to pull a full year's attendance list for specific children
  6. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Daily Log

    The Daily Log section allows users to view and add notes for a specific family.
  7. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Daily Sheets

    The Daily sheet section on the child record displays daily insites that have been added for children and also allows staff/admin to add individual insites.
  8. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Information Record- PDF

    Information Record cards are typically state or site defined forms, when selected mapped data for the selected child will print on the form.
  9. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Sponsors

    The Sponsors tab on the More drop down list links users to the Third Party Screen of the family record.
  10. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Contacts

    This section of the child record will allow administrators to add, edit or inactivate contacts for children.