New Articles

  1. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Incidents

    The incidents section allows admin users to track and report events or issues that occur while a child is at a center.
  2. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Health

    The More, Health screen displays detailed information on child/student allergies and general health information.
  3. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Additional Information

    The additional information screen displays demographic data, consent and permission detail.
  4. Family Record, Child Tab- Calendar View

    The Calendar View displays the student's schedule in a calendar format. This can not be exported it is for admin/staff visual purposes only.
  5. Family Record, Child Tab- Program/Room Assignment

    The Program/Room assignment tab displays a student's scheduled classrooms, events or programs.
  6. Family Record, Child Tab- Doctor/Health

    This screen will display basic Doctor/Health detail for the selected child.
  7. Family Record, Receipts Tab

    The Receipts tab within the Family record contains email receipts that were sent to parents after they register their existing student(s) into a program.  Setting up the Email Template Click Setup, then select System Config Select Email ...
  8. Family Record, Financials Tab

    The family financial tab displays the family's charges, adjustments and payments.
  9. Family Record, Vacation Tab

    The vacation schedule for a child in the system allows administrators the ability to schedule when a child is going on vacation or going to be absent from the center.
  10. Family Record, Auto-Pay Tab

    How to add or edit an auto-pay account for a parent within the system.