Popular Articles

  1. Parent Portal - Password Reminder

    If an account becomes locked out or a password reset is needed, there is a Password Reminder option on the login screen for parents to use. Accounts lockout on the 5 th invalid password attempt, for 5 minutes. After the 5-minute wait time, the acco...
  2. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Daily Log

    The Daily Log section allows users to view and add notes for a specific family.
  3. System Config > Door Controller

    How to configure the door controller to work with the InSite Select application.
  4. System Config > Child Docs

    The Documents/Checklist screen from the Children tab allows users to upload student-specific documents into the system. Administrators can create a list of required documents for students meeting certain criteria, such as the center they attend, age...
  5. Training Checklist

    Training Checklist Below are the topics that will be covered during setup and training.  To get a head start begin walking through the linked pages and engage in some self-discovery.   Make sure to keep track of questions or issues you come across...
  6. Meals > Summary

    The Meals > Summary screen will display a CACFP Report Summary for a selected State, Month and Year.
  7. Meals > Rates

    The Meals > Rates screen allows users to add the rate for meals for both CACFP and Non-CACFP sites.
  8. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Parent Managed Calendar

    The parent managed calendar option on the more drop down menu allows admin/staff users to add parent manged calendar days for children/families from the admin side.
  9. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Attendance

    How to pull a full year's attendance list for specific children
  10. Rate Import Sheet

    The Rate Import Sheet is used to batch import rates into the system.