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  1. Health- Health/Allergy - Full List - PDF

    Report Description The Health/Allergy - Full List report displays a list of students with their doctor, allergy, and medial information.  Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Health - Al...
  2. Sign In - Center Signin - PDF

    Report Description The Center Signin tracks attendance for the day. If search criteria is left blank, all classrooms and students will display in one chart.  Report Conditions Leaving Center, Category, and classroom blank will pull data...
  3. Sign In - Bi Weekly Sign In - PDF

    Report Description The Bi Weekly Sign In sheet is used to track attendance per student for 2 week increments. Each student's name will appear at the top. Report Conditions A Semester, Category, or Classroom is required Sample Report...
  4. Meals - Time Meal Served - Excel

    Report Description The Time Meal Served report opens in Excel and will display a list of students, the meal served or not served with the date and time. Report Conditions When entering a From Date, data will be collected from the From Date t...
  5. Health - Full Health/Allergy Details For Center - PDF

    Report Description The Full Health/Allergy Details report pulls a list of all students with a medical condition and lists details for each. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Full Health - ...
  6. Meals - CACFP Meals Outside Scheduled Time - Excel

    The Meals Outside Scheduled Time report displays the number of meals served to students outside of the set meal times in a center for a week Report Conditions Center must be selected from the drop-down menu in the search criteria Sample Re...
  7. Meals - Meal Served By Day - PDF

    Report Description The Meals Served by Day report opens in a PDF and displays a list of students that received each meal broken down into days. Report Conditions A center must be selected A From Date must be selected Sample Report Clic...
  8. General - Room Report - As Excel - No Total

    Report Description The General Room Report is a weekly report which displays information such as: student name, birthday, and check in/out times, etc.  Report Conditions Classroom is required Sample Report Click the report name to ...
  9. Sign In - Daily Sign In - PDF

    Report Description The Daily Sign In sheet displays the expected arrival and departure times along with a field for actual arrival and departure times and a parent's initials. Report Conditions Semester, Category, or Classroom is require...
  10. Enrollment - Contracted Hours - Excel

    Report Description The Contracted Hours report displays scheduled hours for sponsored and non-sponsored students.  Report Conditions  No date entered will pull the current month Sample Report Click the report name to view a sa...