Updated Articles

  1. Parent Portal - Registration

    The Registration tile will allow parents to select new room/program assignments for their students.
  2. Quick Links- Take Attendance

    The Attendance > Entry screen allows users to check students or staff in, edit attendance records, and review historical check-ins/outs by day.  Edit/View Attendance To take, edit, or view attendance, follow the steps below: Click Atten...
  3. Parent Portal - Selecting Days from a Parent Managed Calendar

    If a student is registered into a Parent Managed Registration room, parents can select the days their student(s) will attend from a calendar. Follow the steps below: Click the Schedule/Attendance tile from the home screen of the parent portal I...
  4. System Config > Child Docs

    The Documents/Checklist screen from the Children tab allows users to upload student-specific documents into the system. Administrators can create a list of required documents for students meeting certain criteria, such as the center they attend, age...
  5. Parent Portal - Personal

    The personal tab allows a parent to add a new student, view/update child detail, or add/edit parent and contact information.
  6. Home > Checklist

    Based on user role, checklists can be created to let staff know essential tasks that should be completed . When a user logs in and navigates to Home > Checklist, the list of tasks that have been ass
  7. Setup > Checklist

    Administrators can setup checklists for other administrator roles in the system. These checklists are step by step processes for tasks that administrators must complete within the system. Checklists
  8. Payments > Third Party Refund Allocation

    The Payments > Third Party Refund Allocation screen is where users are able to associate the refund that has been setup with a specific balance on a child/family account.
  9. Payments > Add/Edit Third Party Refund

    This screen will walk users through the first step of processing an agency refund.
  10. Staff- CACFP Weekly Time Sheet

    The CACFP Weekly Time sheet allows staff to calculate the amount of time spent on particular activities related to CACFP for a week. The staff member must be checked into a site for the report to generate.  Report Conditions The Center ...