Updated Articles

  1. Health - Immunization Missing Report - PDF

    The Immunization Missing Report will show a list of past due immunizations and immunizations received to date. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Immunization Missing Report Sample.pdf Accessing the Report Click Rep...
  2. Family Record, Child Tab- Program/Room Assignment, Assignment Actions

    You can use the Assignment Actions tab to make changes to existing child/student schedules.
  3. Health- Health Concerns - Excel

    The Health Concerns report displays a detailed report of health and immunization information entered on the student records for the selected center. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Health Concerns Sample Report.xlsx Acc...
  4. Staff > Staff List, Adding/Editing Staff Records - Attendance

    The Staff Attendance screen allows administrators to view or export attendance information for the selected staff member. The following information will display: Check In Date Check In Time Check In User Check Out Date Check Out Time Check Ou...
  5. Setup > Classroom Summary

    How to update multiple room's settings at once by center.
  6. Family Record, Third Party Tab

    The third party screen is where divorced parents are split in the system and third party contracts are added for each child.
  7. Child/Family- Third Party Children - Excel

    The Third Party Children (Excel/PDF) report provides a list of third party students with contracts valid through the date selected.  Click here for a sample of this report - ThirdPartyChildrenReport.xlsx Locating the Report Click Reports...
  8. System Config > Text Message

    The text message section of the system config screen is where API information can be added for texting integration.
  9. Parent Portal - Parent Managed Tip Sheet

    There are two phases that a parent/guardian must go though during the registration process for a Parent Managed program:  Registration - this is the first step in the process, which includes registering for the program Selecting Days - step ...
  10. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Health

    The More, Health screen displays detailed information on child/student allergies and general health information.