New Articles

  1. Basic New Registration Process

    This is an example of a family registering on the new registration page and the approval process admins/staff go through.
  2. Registration Page Overview

    How and where to edit text on the new registration page.
  3. Quick Links- View Payment Report

    The Payments > Payments/Adjustments screen allows users to search and display payments received in a particular period.  Click Payments, then select Payments/Adjustments Click Search Criteria to begin searching Select the search cri...
  4. Quick Links- View Outstanding Payments

    The Payments Outstanding screen will display amounts owed by families within the system.   Use search criteria to display related families.  Statement and Reminder emails can be sent from this page, Outstanding balance reports can also be ...
  5. Quick Links- Take Attendance

    The Attendance > Entry screen allows users to check students or staff in, edit attendance records, and review historical check-ins/outs by day.  Edit/View Attendance To take, edit, or view attendance, follow the steps below: Click Atten...
  6. Quick Links- Submit Payments

    The Payments > Journal-page allows users to receipt payments by family in batch format.  Do not receipt online payments through this method that need to be processed through a payment gateway, the only payments that should be receipted here ...
  7. Quick Links- Add A New Child

    Families/New Children can be added to a center/site several ways.  Through the center's new registration page- parents/guardians must add all detail and submit payment (in most cases) before their submission is sent to the center.  T...
  8. Financial- How to mark a payment as returned

    When a payment is returned by the bank and you would like to take the payment off of the family financial ledger and add a fee, you can mark the payment as a returned payment.
  9. Parent Portal - Selecting Days from a Parent Managed Calendar

    If a student is registered into a Parent Managed Registration room, parents can select the days their student(s) will attend from a calendar. Follow the steps below: Click the Schedule/Attendance tile from the home screen of the parent portal I...
  10. Family- How to add a contact from the admin side

    To add, edit or deactivate contacts for children/families- go to a family record, then select the child tab.  On the child tab select the More option, then select Contacts.  To add a new contact enter the contact's details in the ...