New Articles

  1. System Config > Report

    The reports screen allows the ability to update the reports that are available globally within the system for all users.
  2. System Config > Auto-Pay

    How to setup auto-pay within the system.
  3. System Config > Payments

    Configuration options for accepting payments and setting up convenience fees.
  4. System Config > GL Builder

    The general ledger builder allows users to create short code that attach to valid values. When this is done the system will be able to pull detail for how a revenue or payment type valid value shoul
  5. System Config > FTE

    Setting up FTE in the Platform allows businesses the ability to track full-time equivalency credits for children in the Platform. The allows a center to know the relative capacity of a center based o
  6. System Config > Text Message

    The text message section of the system config screen is where API information can be added for texting integration.
  7. System Config > Door Controller

    How to configure the door controller to work with the InSite Select application.
  8. Setting Up a New Center

    Basic Steps for how to add a new center to your business.
  9. Company Rate Export Sheet

    The Company Rate Export Sheet Displays every rate for the business in the system. This sheet displays all rates, not just rates at a specific center level.
  10. Setup > Rates, Setup Pre-bill

    The system allows administrators and centers the ability to prebill families with new registrations.