How to setup coupons for use on the admin side of the site
Discounts can be applied to familes so that the percentage or dollar off amount is automatically deducted when billing is created.
Rate offsets allow businesses the ability to increase or decrease rates for centers based off accreditation or other classifications associated to centers using the rate category.
Rate categories in the system allow rates to be automatically associated to children based on the child's age, center level or family's income.
Scholarships allow parents the ability to enter a coupon code during the registration process in the Connect Portal.
Rates and a child's classroom assignment determine how much the child will be charged for the classroom.
Created On: 10/05/2017
in How To's Financial
How to email statements to families.
This is an XML report for Pennsylvania providers that use PELICAN, Pennsylvania's early childhood data system.
This report can be used to calculate payroll and displays the total number of hours, including overtime hours, that each employee has worked, along with pay rate, position, and center where they work
This report displays a record of staff check-ins/check-outs.