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  1. Sign In - Center Sign In Ver 2 - PDF

    Report Description The Center Sign In Ver 2 tracks attendance for the selected date. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Center Sign In Ver 2.pdf Accessing the Report From the Reports menu, ...
  2. Sign In - Center Sign In For Week - PDF

    Report Description The Center Sign In For Week tracks attendance by day for the entire week. If search criteria is left blank, all classrooms and students will display in one chart.  Report Conditions Leaving Center, Category, and class...
  3. Sign In - Center Sign In - Excel

    Report Description The Center Sign In sheet is an attendance tracker for all students within a center or can be narrowed down by semester, category, or classroom. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sampl...
  4. Sign In - Bi Weekly Sign In - PDF

    Report Description The Bi Weekly Sign In sheet is used to track attendance per student for 2 week increments. Each student's name will appear at the top. Report Conditions A Semester, Category, or Classroom is required Sample Report...
  5. Sign In - Attendance with Symptoms Record - Excel

    Report Description The Attendance with Symptoms Record allows staff to track attendance and symptoms per student for the month. Report Conditions Semester, Category, or Classroom is required When selecting a date, the chart will pull for ...
  6. Roster - Session Roster - Excel

    Report Description The Session Roster report displays child name, grade, parent names, emails, cell phone numbers and empty fields for attendance. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Session Ro...
  7. Creating Mailing Labels

    How to create mail labels.
  8. Reports > Misc - Creating a Child Directory

    To create a directory go to Reports > Misc Then select Student/Child Directory-  Enter search criteria, then press Create Report.  There are several report options to choose from, select the option that suits your needs.&nbs...
  9. Roster - Activity Roster (Version 2) - Excel/PDF

    The Activity Roster - Excel - Version 2 report displays a roster of the children enrolled in an activity for a program including the detailed information on the enrollment information for the program.
  10. Pick Up- Restricted Pickup List - PDF - Full List

    The Restricted Pickup List report displays names of people who have been added under the "The following person(s) may not remove my child from the facility" fields on the child's record.