New Articles

  1. Pick Up- Restricted Pickup List - PDF

    The Restricted Pickup List report displays names of people who have been added under the "The following person(s) may not remove my child from the facility" fields on the child's record.
  2. Meals - Time Meal Served - Excel

    Report Description The Time Meal Served report opens in Excel and will display a list of students, the meal served or not served with the date and time. Report Conditions When entering a From Date, data will be collected from the From Date t...
  3. Meals - Monthly Food Spreadsheet - Excel

    Report Description The Monthly Food Spreadsheet is a monthly summary of how many meals were served per CACFP category (free, reduced, etc.) broken down into each week Report Conditions Leaving the From Date blank will pull data for the curre...
  4. Meals - Meal Served By Day - PDF

    Report Description The Meals Served by Day report opens in a PDF and displays a list of students that received each meal broken down into days. Report Conditions A center must be selected A From Date must be selected Sample Report Clic...
  5. Meals - Food Program Weekly Tally Sheet

    Meal report that counts meals for a given week. It will display meal counts by classroom based on where the meal was physically served. The attendance column displays the number of children who are checked into that classroom and have received a mea...
  6. Meals - Food Production - Excel

    The Food Production - Excel report displays the age ranges of students in a center. The Age Groups are Valid Values setup , and must have an Age Range setup for this report to work. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: FoodPro...
  7. Meals - CACFP Participants Roster - PDF/Excel

    The Participants Roster lists all students with a CACFP status as a PDF or Excel. Report Conditions Center is not a required field; if left blank, the report will run for the entire business If dates are not selected, the report will run for t...
  8. Meals - CACFP Milk Usage Calculator - Excel

    This chart provides an estimate of the amount of milk that should be purchased based on the number of meals claimed in the CACFP Monthly Count Record. The chart automatically calculates the amount of milk, then breaks it down by ounces, gallons and ...
  9. Meals - CACFP Meals Outside Scheduled Time - Excel

    The Meals Outside Scheduled Time report displays the number of meals served to students outside of the set meal times in a center for a week Report Conditions Center must be selected from the drop-down menu in the search criteria Sample Re...
  10. Meals - CACFP Meal Service No Selections - Excel

    The Meal Service No Selections report displays if a meal was selected or not in the summary totals and by a specific student. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  cacfp_meal_service_no_selections_report.xls Accessing th...