New Articles

  1. Meals - CACFP Meal Service Action - Excel

    Report Description An excel document that displays a list of students that were served meals past the scheduled time for the meal. Students must be checked in/out for the day. The report runs for a week at a time; the date that is entered in the ...
  2. Meals - CACFP Individual Infant Meal Record - PDF

    The infant meal record displays meal counts by child. The report will pull children within an age range regardless of program/room assignment. The meal options under breakfast, lunch, and snack are hard coded. Report Conditions If center is not...
  3. Meals - CACFP Enrollment Summary - Excel

    Report Description The CACFP Enrollment Summary is a detailed Excel document that displays the number of free, reduced, and paid students in a facility.  If additional search criteria are used, data can be collected by certain categories, ro...
  4. Health - Immunization Summary - PDF

    Report Description The Immunization Summary report displays a summary of how many students are exempt by category from each immunization.  Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Immunizati...
  5. Health - Immunization Missing Report - PDF

    The Immunization Missing Report will show a list of past due immunizations and immunizations received to date. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Immunization Missing Report Sample.pdf Accessing the Report Click Rep...
  6. Health- Immunization - PDF

    This report displays a list of all children in a center/business level and the date of their last immunization(s).
  7. Health - Immunization - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Immunization report displays students that have had immunization detail added to their record. Only students with immunization information will display on this report.  If a date displays, the student is over due for...
  8. Health - Immunization (Version 1) - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Immunization (Version 1) report displays students that have had immunization detail added to their record. Only students with immunization information will display on this report.  If a date displays, the student is ...
  9. Health- Health/Allergy - Full List - PDF

    Report Description The Health/Allergy - Full List report displays a list of students with their doctor, allergy, and medial information.  Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Health - Al...
  10. Health- Health Concerns - Excel

    The Health Concerns report displays a detailed report of health and immunization information entered on the student records for the selected center. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Health Concerns Sample Report.xlsx Acc...