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  1. Sign In - Center Sign In For Week - PDF

    Report Description The Center Sign In For Week tracks attendance by day for the entire week. If search criteria is left blank, all classrooms and students will display in one chart.  Report Conditions Leaving Center, Category, and class...
  2. How to take a credit card or ACH payment

    Go to the family's financial record.  On the financial page, select the actions button- then select Online Credit Card-  On the payment screen, enter the payment amount then select the payment type.   From this screen onl...
  3. Sign In - Daily Sign In/Out by Age - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Daily Sing In/Out by Age is a blank chart that can be pulled in PDF or Excel and displays the student's name and age. This allows sign in/out times, ratio information, and staff sign in to be entered. Report Condition...
  4. Release Notes REL_OCT_26_2023

    The following features and enhancements will be available on SCW on October 27, 2023.  New Features & Enhancements  Created a Pre-Bill (Defined) report to allow Defined Billing customers to review billing information before the ne...
  5. Health - Immunization (Version 1) - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Immunization (Version 1) report displays students that have had immunization detail added to their record. Only students with immunization information will display on this report.  If a date displays, the student is ...
  6. Quick Links- View Payment Report

    The Payments > Payments/Adjustments screen allows users to search and display payments received in a particular period.  Click Payments, then select Payments/Adjustments Click Search Criteria to begin searching Select the search cri...
  7. Sign In - Daily Sign In - Excel - By Grade

    Report Description The Daily Sign In by Grade allows parents to record the time the child entered and exited the classroom. Children that are not enrolled in the classroom for the day will not be displayed on this report. This report is sorted by...
  8. Quick Links- View Outstanding Payments

    The Payments Outstanding screen will display amounts owed by families within the system.   Use search criteria to display related families.  Statement and Reminder emails can be sent from this page, Outstanding balance reports can also be ...
  9. Sign In - Daily Alt Sign In - PDF

    Report Description The Daily Alt Sign In tracks attendance for the day. Report Conditions Semester, Category, or Classroom are required Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Daily Alt Sign In.pdf Accessing the Repo...
  10. Release Notes REL_JUN_4_2020

    The following features & enhancements are now available! Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-88 TE - Family ledger discrepancy when only partial payment is approved fix DCW-296 Household API DCW-300 Contact Detail A...