Popular Articles

  1. Family Record, Auto-Pay Tab

    How to add or edit an auto-pay account for a parent within the system.
  2. Creating a Reoccurring Billing Classroom

    Reoccurring Billing Classrooms are programs or rooms that have a weekly or monthly reoccurring billing cycle.
  3. InSite Check-In - Parent Options, QR Code Check In

    Parents have the option to use the QR code check in, instead of using their PIN. Parents must first download the InSite Parent application to use this feature. For parent instructions click here . QR Code Setup Prior to parents using the QR code...
  4. Setup > Daily InSite, Add New Daily InSite

    Setting up daily sheets allows centers the ability to keep families informed and up to date on what their children are doing within your center. To start using Daily Sheets in your center, you first
  5. System Config > Auto-Pay

    How to setup auto-pay within the system.
  6. Payments > Payments/Adjustments, Payments Tab

    The Payments > Payments screen allows users to search and display payments received in a particular period.
  7. System Config > GL Builder

    The general ledger builder allows users to create short code that attach to valid values. When this is done the system will be able to pull detail for how a revenue or payment type valid value shoul
  8. Year End Tax Statements - Printing Tax Statements

    How to print year end tax statements for families
  9. Setup > Classroom, Room Types

    In the system, rooms are the cornerstone for how parents can register into the system, how parents will be billed and how reporting can be pulled.
  10. Family Record, Summary Tab

    The summary tab on the family record displays basic information about a child.