How to add a child (family) from the admin side.
The Daily Sheets option on the Connect menu will allow administrators to add Daily Insites for children from the admin side.
The additional information screen displays demographic data, consent and permission detail.
Registration confirmation questions allow for sites to ask their parents to verify information before registration is complete. These types of questions are typically questions such as- "I confirm I
How to send year end tax statements through the system via email
This section of the child record will allow administrators to add, edit or inactivate contacts for children.
Center registration fees allow businesses the ability to charge children registration and re-registration fees on a yearly basis.
How and where to edit text on the new registration page.
Last Updated: 07/08/2019
in System Walk-Through Staff Tab
The Staff > Availability screen will allow admin level users to add availability for their staff. This is part of the overall scheduling process for staff.
If you want parents to confirm information on their account is up to date prior to registration (or at any point) reconfirmation date and text should be used.