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  1. Parent Managed Room Availability

    How to get days to display for selection on a parent managed calendar program.
  2. DCW/SCW COVID-19 Best Practices

    Below are tips and best practices for using DayCare Works & SchoolCare Works during these uncertain times.  Click here to view an Interactive PDF with tips for touchless check-in, child tracking, and more! Reopening Tips   Minimal C...
  3.  Basic New Registration Process

    This is an example of a family registering on the new registration page and the approval process admins/staff go through.
  4. Family Record, Vacation Tab

    The vacation schedule for a child in the system allows administrators the ability to schedule when a child is going on vacation or going to be absent from the center.
  5. Setup > Rates, Update Rate

    How to add a rate increase to the system.
  6. Parent Portal - Communication

    The communication section of the portal allows parents to see generic documents, links or teacher profiles.
  7. Registration/Enrollment Errors

    Common issues while registering/enrolling children.
  8. Parent Portal - Announcements

    Announcements display generic notes from your school or site. As soon as a school adds an announcement, the text and any photos will display.
  9. Family Record, Financials Tab

    The family financial tab displays the family's charges, adjustments and payments.
  10. Payments > Journal

    The Payments > Journal page allows users to receipt payments by family in batch format.