Updated Articles

  1. Release Notes REL_JUN_25_2020

    The following features & enhancements are coming soon! Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-599 Add logging for response code in cg_family_pay_trans DCW-917 Additional encryption security on passwords during new family r...
  2. Quick Links- Add A New Child

    Families/New Children can be added to a center/site several ways.  Through the center's new registration page- parents/guardians must add all detail and submit payment (in most cases) before their submission is sent to the center.  T...
  3. Payments > Payments/Adjustments, Adjustments Tab

    The Adjustments tab on the Payments/Adjustments screen displays all adjustments made for each family for a specific time period based on the search criteria.  Click the Search Criteria button Choose the search criteria and click View Th...
  4. Sign In- Daily Signin For Week - PDF

    Report Description This report is used as a sign in/sign out sheet with expected time in/out with initials and a signature field. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Daily Signin For Week.pdf ...
  5. Sign In- Daily Signin For Week - PDF Version 2

    Report Description This report is used as a sign in/sign out sheet with expected time in/out, actual time in, and a signature field. Report Conditions Semester must be selected Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Sign...
  6. Health - Immunization Summary - PDF

    Report Description The Immunization Summary report displays a summary of how many students are exempt by category from each immunization.  Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Immunizati...
  7. Sign In- Weekly Sign In (Version 5) - Excel****

    Report Description This report creates a sign-in sheet that can be used to record if a child attended or was absent for the day. The report also shows which days the children and teachers are scheduled.  Report Conditions N/A Sample ...
  8. Home Screen Overview

    When first logging in, the initial screen that will display is the Home > Information page.
  9. Family > Lead Management, Add New Lead

    From the Family > Lead Management screen, new leads can be added. Leads should be composed of potential families that are interested in signing up for programs or events.
  10. One Call Now Integration

    OneCallNow is an extra service within the Platform at allows centers the ability to send out mass phone calls to parents in the center. This service replaces the traditional method of calling parents one by one or using a telephone tree. Phone calls are entered as a text message into OneCallNow and then the parents are called through the server with the message, quickly informing parents of the information