Updated Articles

  1. Attendance - Child Care Aware of America Attendance Sheet - PDF

    Report Description Child Care Aware of America Attendance Sheet is a generated invoice ready to go based on the student's attendance that has been entered for a specific date range.  Please  Note :  This report requires set...
  2. Release Notes REL_JUN_4_2020

    The following features & enhancements are now available! Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-88 TE - Family ledger discrepancy when only partial payment is approved fix DCW-296 Household API DCW-300 Contact Detail A...
  3. Family > Grade Change

    The Family > Grade Change screen is used to change the grade level for multiple children at one time. The current grade level of a child is displayed on the Children tab within the family record.  Best Practice : If updating multiple grade...
  4. Payments > Mass Change

    The mass change payments process updates multiple payments entered into the system at once. This is frequently used to update the deposit date, check number, payment type, period number or adding not
  5. Release Notes REL_APR_30_2020

    The following features & enhancements are available now! Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-276 New Discount Capacity Report created to display families and children with discounts set up using a maximum discount amount ...
  6. Staff > Preview Schedule

    The Staff > Preview Schedule screen will allow admin level users to preview the schedules for staff for specific classrooms/programs.
  7. Release Notes REL_Mar_26_2020

    The following features & enhancements are coming soon! Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-425 Various 2020 fees appearing in 2019 ledger fix DCW-426 Ability to switch a Defined Billing site from weekly to monthl...
  8. Release Notes REL_Feb_27_2020

    The following features & enhancements are coming soon!  Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-38 Incorrect balances on Third Party Aging report fix DCW-40 Add 'Home Room' and 'Job Title' to Staff >...
  9. System Config > Payments

    Configuration options for accepting payments and setting up convenience fees.
  10. Release Notes REL_Feb_13_2020

    The following features are coming soon!  Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-29 DCW-31 DCW-36 DCW-90 DCW-513 DCW-562 DCW-581 Platform improvements and stabilities for Tuition Express DCW-45 DCW-50 DCW-54 DCW-57 D...