Updated Articles

  1. How to add a new family from the admin side

    How to add a child (family) from the admin side.
  2. Home > Information, Tiles

    On the home page the square icons display the navigation tiles.
  3. Release Notes QA 19.8.6

    The following features are coming August 8, 2019! Please click the link, if applicable, for more information on the new/updated features. Associated Jira Feature Description CQ-3698 ADP Staff Tuition Export not showing all employees...
  4. Sign In - Weekly Sign In (Version 3) - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Weekly Sign in - PDF - Version 3 report creates a sign in report that administrators can record if a child attended a classroom for a day and also has a time and signature text box for parents to record the time the child w...
  5. Sign In - Weekly Sign In/Out - Period - PDF

    Report Description The Weekly Sign In/Out - Period displays a check in/out for students, along with headcount checks throughout the day. It also displays the name of the teacher assigned to the classroom. Report Conditions Center is required...
  6. Sign In - Weekly Sign In/Out W/AM-PM Verification - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Weekly Sign In/Out W/AM-PM Verification can be opened in PDF or Excel. This sheet allows centers to record attendance at arrival, departure, and certain times throughout the day.  Report Conditions Center is requi...
  7. Sign In - Center Sign In For Week - PDF

    Report Description The Center Sign In For Week tracks attendance by day for the entire week. If search criteria is left blank, all classrooms and students will display in one chart.  Report Conditions Leaving Center, Category, and class...
  8. Sign In - Center Sign In - Excel

    Report Description The Center Sign In sheet is an attendance tracker for all students within a center or can be narrowed down by semester, category, or classroom. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sampl...
  9. Sign In - Bi Weekly Sign In - PDF

    Report Description The Bi Weekly Sign In sheet is used to track attendance per student for 2 week increments. Each student's name will appear at the top. Report Conditions A Semester, Category, or Classroom is required Sample Report...
  10. Sign In - Attendance with Symptoms Record - Excel

    Report Description The Attendance with Symptoms Record allows staff to track attendance and symptoms per student for the month. Report Conditions Semester, Category, or Classroom is required When selecting a date, the chart will pull for ...