Updated Articles

  1. Sign In - Center Signin - PDF

    Report Description The Center Signin tracks attendance for the day. If search criteria is left blank, all classrooms and students will display in one chart.  Report Conditions Leaving Center, Category, and classroom blank will pull data...
  2. Sign In - Daily Alt Sign In - PDF - By Grade

    Report Description The Daily Alt Sign In by Grade tracks attendance for the day by grade. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Daily Alt Sign In By Grade.pdf Accessing the Report From th...
  3. Sign In - Center Sign In Ver 2 - PDF

    Report Description The Center Sign In Ver 2 tracks attendance for the selected date. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample: Center Sign In Ver 2.pdf Accessing the Report From the Reports menu, ...
  4. System Config > Valid Values

    Valid Values allow you the ability to customize specific drop down lists in the system.
  5. Staff > Staff Availability

    The Staff > Availability screen will allow admin level users to add availability for their staff. This is part of the overall scheduling process for staff.
  6. Release Notes QA 19.7.2

    The following features are coming July 2, 2019! Please click the link, if applicable, for more information on the new/updated features. Associated Jira Feature Description CQ-3649 Balance discrepancy between Trial Balance and GP Exp...
  7. Aging - Family Aging Report - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Family Aging report displays the balance for the parent/family with aging that shows how much is outstanding for each of the last 4 weeks and beyond. If the client has period billing, the report uses a date as of the end of...
  8. Misc - Charges and Credits by Family Center - PDF

    Report Description This report gathers the revenue data and payment transactions based on the family center. Please Note: discounts are not separated out on this version of the report, they are included in the amount of the transaction. Repor...
  9. Parent Portal - Statements

    The statement area is where parents/guardians are able to pull statements for their center for a particular time frame.
  10. System Config > Statement

    COMING SOON: how to update statement details