Updated Articles

  1. Child/Family - Arrival/Departure - Excel

    This report displays information that may be needed throughout the day at a center- including arrival/departure information, t-shirt detail and guardian detail.
  2. Reports > Misc

    The misc tab on the reports screen displays shortcuts to view staff alerts, pull student/child directories and view basic auto pay detail.
  3. Meals - Meal Attendance Record - All Versions

    There are several versions of the Meal Attendance Record report that can be pulled. Click each link below to view a sample of the report.  Meal Attendance Record (Version 1) - PDF - Blank - Meal Attendance Report Version 1.pdf Meal Attenda...
  4. Setup > Rates, Setup Pre-bill

    The system allows administrators and centers the ability to prebill families with new registrations.
  5. Family Record, Financials Tab - Recreate Current Statement

    One of the features of defined billing is the ability to recreate billing for the current period . This means that if schedules have been added, attendance has been recorded, rates have been changed, or discounts have been added, the rate billed ...
  6. Setup > Schedule

    Adding a center schedule allows you the ability to add holidays to your center's operating schedule. These schedules display when a center is open or closed or when a family will be charged for a day
  7. Reports to Get You Started

    Basic reports that will get you started when you are first using the system.
  8. Room/Program - (View Semester), Availability/Camp Days

    How to add field trip days for selection during registration.
  9. Online View with Multiple Semesters Report

    The Online View with Multiple Semesters report displays students by center, semseter selection category and room options.
  10. Third Party Payment Allocations Import

    After a third party payment has been posted in the system, exports and imports can be used to reconcile balances to specific children's third party totals.