Updated Articles

  1. Billing - How to run transactional billing

    How to create a transactional billing cycle.
  2. Third Party Payment Video

    In this video demonstration, you will learn how to record a third party deposit, allocate the payment to a student, and reconcile any differences.  Click the article title below to view associated articles: Third Party Deposits Third Par...
  3. Parent Portal - Password Reminder

    If an account becomes locked out or a password reset is needed, there is a Password Reminder option on the login screen for parents to use. Accounts lockout on the 5 th invalid password attempt, for 5 minutes. After the 5-minute wait time, the acco...
  4. Admins > Add New Administrator

    Administrators are users that can log into the the admin side of the system. Administrators can be assigned roles that restrict their access to activities and location access.
  5. Family Record, Parents Tab - Connect Password Reset

    To add or change a username or password for a parent so they are able to access the parent or Connect portal, go to the family's record within the system- then select the Parent tab.
  6.  Registration Page Overview

    How and where to edit text on the new registration page.
  7. Setup > Bus

    Centers can setup bus run schedules to other centers or locations for pickup or drop-off service.
  8. Setup > Rates

    Rates and a child's classroom assignment determine how much the child will be charged for the classroom.
  9. How to Schedule a Report

    Scheduling reports allows for users to schedule one-time or recurring Room/Program or Financial reports. The reports can be delivered via email or FTP. Users can enter desired search criteria to filter the reports according to specific parameters e...
  10. Billing - How to run defined billing

    How to create billing for defined centers.