Updated Articles

  1. Family Record, Financials Tab - Adjustments/Add Fee

    How to add a debit or credit- create an adjustment on a family account.
  2. Family Record, Receipts Tab

    The Receipts tab within the Family record contains email receipts that were sent to parents after they register their existing student(s) into a program.  Setting up the Email Template Click Setup, then select System Config Select Email ...
  3. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Documents/Checklist

    The Documents section of the child record allows users to upload and file child speicifc documents in the system.
  4. Meals > Summary

    The Meals > Summary screen will display a CACFP Report Summary for a selected State, Month and Year.
  5. Family Record, Child Tab - More, CACFP

    Once CACFP guidelines have been setup , the status (free, reduced or paid) can be added to each student within a family. Alternatively, the system can calculate the student's status. Adding a Student's Status - Manually To manually add ...
  6. Meals > Eligibility Report

    The Eligibility Report displays all children in a center and their eligibility for receiving CACFP benefits, with their status as Free, Reduced or Paid.
  7. Setup > System Config, CACFP

    Setting up the CACFP process in the system allows administrators the ability to assign CACFP contracts to children and track the CACFP information for the children based on their eligibility code or family income.
  8. Meals > Times

    The Meals > Times screen allows centers to add times meals will be served for each type of meal.
  9. Semester Down Payment Information

    Use this option to setup a down payment.
  10. Home > Files

    How to view documents that have been uploaded at the center level and for specific children.