Updated Articles

  1. Meals - CACFP Meal Service No Selections - Excel

    The Meal Service No Selections report displays if a meal was selected or not in the summary totals and by a specific student. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  cacfp_meal_service_no_selections_report.xls Accessing th...
  2. Meals - CACFP Individual Infant Meal Record - PDF

    The infant meal record displays meal counts by child. The report will pull children within an age range regardless of program/room assignment. The meal options under breakfast, lunch, and snack are hard coded. Report Conditions If center is not...
  3. Rate Sheet Import

    How to add or edit rates by importing.
  4. Reports > Payment

    The Reports > Payments screen displays shortcuts to payment related reports.
  5. Setup > Room, Room/Program (View Semester)

    In order for a room to display as available for registration on new registration pages and/or the parent portal the room MUST be authorized to a semester. This screen will allow you to customize.
  6. Family Record, Financials Tab - Transfer Balance

    The Transfer Balance feature allows administrators to transfer an entire balance or partial balance to another family.  Search for the family to transfer the balance from by entering the last name into the Search box or using the magnifying...
  7. Family Record, Financials Tab - Pickup Fee

    Late Pickup Fees allow a center to add rules to how a family should be charged if a student is picked up after center hours. Late Pickup Fees must be setup prior, click here for instructions. Adding a Late Pickup Fee to a Student Search for the...
  8. Family Record, Financials Tab - Coupons

    Coupons in the system allow administrators to advertise specific discounts as marketing or use coupons as a reward for families in the center. Before setting up coupons , Revenue Type Valid Values , Type - Fee Valid Values , and Rate Categories ...
  9. Family Record, Financials Tab - Make Payment

    This screen only accepts paper-type payments; these include cash, check, and money order.  Navigate to the family's record Click the Financial tab Click Actions, then select Make Payment Complete the Payment Allocation detail ...
  10. System Config > Reporting Groups

    Reporting categories in the Platform are categories that can be assigned to families or categories that can help sort families in the Platform for billing or reporting.