Updated Articles

  1. System Config > Tax

    Setting up taxes in the system allows centers the ability to charge families taxes on registration and tuition for classrooms and events. These taxes can be associated to specific centers, states, brands, divisions, or districts based on ordinances....
  2. Registration Fee Examples

    The following registration fees will apply when using the Semester Cost At Room/Program and Semester Family & Room/Program when setting up the semester.  Registration During Regular  Enrollment Period If family registers during th...
  3. Setup Rate Category

    Rate categories in the system allow rates to be automatically associated to children based on the child's age, center level or family's income.
  4. Setup > Health

    Health alerts in the Platform helps centers manage the immunization schedule for children in the center. These health alerts will notify administrators if a child's immunizations are about to or have
  5. Teacher/Staff Portal - Directory

    The directory section of the teacher/staff portal will display a listing of all of the children according to a specific semester, category or classroom.
  6. Teacher/Staff Portal - Schedule

    How to take attendance from the teacher/staff portal.
  7. Teacher/Staff Portal - Setup

    General activity IDs that should be reviewed for the Teacher/Staff portal.
  8. Teacher/Staff Portal - At a Glance

    The At a Glance tile within the teacher/staff portal allows staff to pull a report with center, semester, classroom, and student information. From the teacher/staff portal home screen, click At a Glance Enter the Search Criteria - using no crit...
  9. Teacher/Staff Portal - Programs

    The Program tile allows teachers/staff to pull reports based on certain criteria.  In the Classroom Reports section, use the View drop-down and select a report type - see below for report details Choose the Report Criteria Center - select a...
  10. Admins, Setup Groups

    Setting up groups allows administrators to group individuals together to give/remove certain permissions. To setup a group: To setup a Group, click Action Select Setup Groups Click Add Group Complete the Add New Group section Enter a ...