Updated Articles

  1. Setup Rate Offset

    Rate offsets allow businesses the ability to increase or decrease rates for centers based off accreditation or other classifications associated to centers using the rate category.
  2. Setup > Coupons

    How to setup coupons for use on the admin side of the site
  3. System Config > Storage

    The Setup > System Config > Storage screen allows for integrations with a third party storage site.
  4.  Basic New Registration Process

    This is an example of a family registering on the new registration page and the approval process admins/staff go through.
  5. Quick Links- View Payment Report

    The Payments > Payments/Adjustments screen allows users to search and display payments received in a particular period.  Click Payments, then select Payments/Adjustments Click Search Criteria to begin searching Select the search cri...
  6. Payments > Outstanding

    The Payments Outstanding screen will display amounts owed by families within the system. Use search criteria to display related families. Statement and Reminder emails can be sent from this page,
  7. Quick Links- View Outstanding Payments

    The Payments Outstanding screen will display amounts owed by families within the system.   Use search criteria to display related families.  Statement and Reminder emails can be sent from this page, Outstanding balance reports can also be ...
  8. Family > Campaigns

    Campaign activities are optional elements that help centers manage promotional materials or advertising for the center. This option should be done prior to adding a family to the lead management sect
  9. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Incidents

    The incidents section allows admin users to track and report events or issues that occur while a child is at a center.
  10. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Manage Program Templates

    Program Templates allow a user to setup a custom attedance schedule for a specific child- attending every other week or allow a center to associate a specific set of weeks to one sponsor or the other