Updated Articles

  1. Year End Tax Statements - Printing Tax Statements

    How to print year end tax statements for families
  2. Setup > Semester

    By setting up and using semesters, students will have classroom assignments with a start and end date.
  3.  Creating Parent Managed Registration & Calendar Rooms

    Parent managed classrooms allow parents to register children for a classroom and then select the days the child will attend the classroom from a calendar. This system is entirely managed by the paren
  4. Room/Program - (View Semester), Plan Options

    Plan options allow for a business to set defined day packages for parents to select during registration.
  5. System Config > GL Builder

    The general ledger builder allows users to create short code that attach to valid values. When this is done the system will be able to pull detail for how a revenue or payment type valid value shoul
  6. Creating a Reoccurring Billing Classroom

    Reoccurring Billing Classrooms are programs or rooms that have a weekly or monthly reoccurring billing cycle.
  7. Parent Portal - One Time Payments

    The Make Payment tile will display when a center has online payments setup, when this tile is selected the parent will be able to submit a one time payment.
  8.  Webinar: Getting Ready for Year End

    Hear from our experts as you’re getting ready for year end. We share tips and tools to help save you time as well as road map features that are in the works! ...
  9. CardConnect Returned Payments Batch Job

    The CardConnect Returns batch job looks at all transactions up to 92 days to locate any ACH returned payments (chargebacks, NSF, disputed transactions, etc.). After the batch job locates a returned payment, the following will occur: The system add...
  10. Approvals > Vacation

    Administrators can approve or reject vacation requests submitted by parents through the Connect Portal.