Popular Articles

  1. Home > Information

    From this page users are able to see basic information within the tile area, approve registrations, child change requests, program change requests, add families and run billing.
  2. Family Record, Child Tab- More, Sponsors

    The Sponsors tab on the More drop down list links users to the Third Party Screen of the family record.
  3. Teacher/Staff Portal Overview

    The Teacher/Staff Portal is a hub that any user added under Staff > Staff List will have access to. By default those teachers/staff members will be associated with the staff/teacher portal role.
  4. System Config > Valid Values, Type - Fee Setup

    Type – Fee valid value allows centers to setup fees or charges that will be assigned to a parent's financial ledger.
  5. Financial- How to create a PDF copy of statements for families

    The Print Batch Statements option creates a PDF for a time period of all family statements.
  6. System Config > General Config, Daycare Works Family

    Setup > System Config > General Config allows users to set generic settings for their site. This will be the first place to visit once a new center is created. Click Setup, then select System Config Select General Config Click the Day...
  7. Family- How to delete a family

    How to delete a family.
  8. How to Clone a Room/Program

    Once a room/program has been setup and configured, the room/program can be cloned if additional options are required.
  9. Family Record, Child Tab- Program/Room Assignment, Assignment Actions

    You can use the Assignment Actions tab to make changes to existing child/student schedules.
  10. Creating a Category Group

    A Category Group is a collection of categories. This helps to provide another layer of organization for room setup- categories are added to category groups.