If a student is registered into a Parent Managed Registration room, parents can select the days their student(s) will attend from a calendar. Follow the steps below: Click the Schedule/Attendance tile from the home screen of the parent portal I...
From the Reports menu, select the Child option. The reports on this page are associated to the chid record- they incldue immunization, birthday, meal counts, age range reports
Events are classrooms with a one-time charge that is applied to a family's financial ledger during registration. Parents are not billed for events when running billing. The one-time charge for an eve
The Setup > Admin screen allows users to be added to the system, determines what role the user should have within the system, and allows for a password reset for admins. Click Setup, then select Admins On the Admins screen, all listed users hav...
The Sponsors tab on the More drop down list links users to the Third Party Screen of the family record.
Last Updated: 12/07/2020
in How To's Financial
The Print Batch Statements option creates a PDF for a time period of all family statements.
Last Updated: 02/27/2019
in System Walk-Through Home Tab
From this page users are able to see basic information within the tile area, approve registrations, child change requests, program change requests, add families and run billing.
Last Updated: 11/28/2023
in How To's Billing
Overview Reconciliation is the process of comparing transactions and activity to supporting documentation. Further, reconciliation involves resolving any discrepancies that may have been discovered. The process of reconciliation ensures the accurac...
Type – Fee valid value allows centers to setup fees or charges that will be assigned to a parent's financial ledger.
You can use the Assignment Actions tab to make changes to existing child/student schedules.