Popular Articles

  1. Financial- How to add or update a check unlock code

    Check unlock codes allow families the ability to register for a program without paying the registration or other fees up front. These codes would need to be given to parents in order for them to be
  2. Meals > Entry

    The Meals > Entry page allows users record meals served from the admin side.
  3.  Financial- General Ledger Account Example

    An couple of examples for how to setup a general ledger.   Scroll to the bottom of the page for a video example! If my ledger was setup so that I wanted to pull center ID and type of program being offered, my segments might look like this-  C...
  4. Connect > Links

    The Connect > Links screen allows admins to add web links to the parent portal that parents may find helpful.
  5. Financial- How to mark a payment as returned

    When a payment is returned by the bank and you would like to take the payment off of the family financial ledger and add a fee, you can mark the payment as a returned payment.
  6. InSite Check-In - Parent Options

    Use the InSite Check-In mobile application as a parent and staff kiosk within your center or classroom! This application allows parents to check their students in and out, view school announcements and see their current balance. The Check-In appli...
  7. System Config > Text Message

    The text message section of the system config screen is where API information can be added for texting integration.
  8. Teacher/Staff Portal Overview

    The Teacher/Staff Portal is a hub that any user added under Staff > Staff List will have access to. By default those teachers/staff members will be associated with the staff/teacher portal role.
  9. How to Clone a Room/Program

    Once a room/program has been setup and configured, the room/program can be cloned if additional options are required.
  10. Room Not Displaying on Registration

    Common reasons rooms aren't displaying as an option for registration.