The More, Health screen displays detailed information on child/student allergies and general health information.
The Parent tab displays parent information for Guardian 1 and 2. Select the icon next to Guardian 1 or 2 to toggle between parents/guardians.
The System Config > Mobiles Apps screen allows admins to change various settings on the InSite applications. InSite Check-In Allow Non-Scheduled Check IN - this determines if children will be able to check in using the Select app when they ar...
Program changes allows users the ability to approve schedule change requests from families made through the Connect Parent Portal.
Available fields on the Admission/Personal tab of the Child Record.
Last Updated: 01/06/2020
in Teacher/Staff Portal
How to authorize staff access. The Staff portal allows staff or teachers the ability to assign staff members or teachers to specific classrooms or categories for semesters.
The Social screen allows users to interact with parents via Twitter.
Last Updated: 12/07/2020
in How To's Financial
How to add a fee or adjustment to multiple family ledgers at once (by room/program).
The Daily sheet section on the child record displays daily insites that have been added for children and also allows staff/admin to add individual insites.
The Batch Job Audit screen willl display detail of batch jobs that have been set to run- such as autopay jobs, late payment fee batch jobs.