Popular Articles

  1. Family Record, Child Tab - Add Sibling

    If a staff or admin user has access to the family record screen and the ability to add a sibling, they will be able to add a child for a parent.
  2. Approvals > Program Change

    Program changes allows users the ability to approve schedule change requests from families made through the Connect Parent Portal.
  3. How to authorize staff to see students in the Teacher/Staff portal

    How to authorize staff access. The Staff portal allows staff or teachers the ability to assign staff members or teachers to specific classrooms or categories for semesters.
  4. Family Record, Child Tab- Admission/Personal

    Available fields on the Admission/Personal tab of the Child Record.
  5. Reports > Batch Job Audit

    The Batch Job Audit screen willl display detail of batch jobs that have been set to run- such as autopay jobs, late payment fee batch jobs.
  6. System Config > Mobile Apps

    The System Config > Mobiles Apps screen allows admins to change various settings on the InSite applications.  InSite Check-In Allow Non-Scheduled Check IN - this determines if children will be able to check in using the Select app when...
  7. Connect > Calendars

    An online calendar can be setup by administrators to show parents and staff upcoming events through the online portal.
  8. InSite Check-In - Staff Options

    Staff Options Staff members can check in/out, transfer to a different job category, view announcements, and view their schedule.  Key Point : The InSite Select application will timeout after 1 minute of inactivity. Staff Check In/Out ...
  9. Setup > Vacation

    How to setup vacation limits.
  10. Setup > Semester, Room/Program

    The system will charge families registration fees setup in Room Semester or Room Config screens.