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  1. Health- Immunization - PDF

    This report displays a list of all children in a center/business level and the date of their last immunization(s).
  2. Family Record - Active/Inactive Families

    When a family is marked Inactive, they will not appear in the search results when using the Search box in the top left. Marking a Family Inactive Navigate to the Family Record Click on the Family tab Locate the Active box    Uncheck...
  3. Family Record, Child Tab- Doctor/Health

    This screen will display basic Doctor/Health detail for the selected child.
  4. System Config > Report

    The reports screen allows the ability to update the reports that are available globally within the system for all users.
  5. Setup > Semester, Semester Participant

    Families will only be charged the Semester Cost fee.
  6. Setup > Room, Category- Upload a Category Picture

    Uploading a Category Picture allows a site to link to the picture in their description or finishing text.
  7. Attendance > Program Calendar

    The Attendance > Program Calendar screen will allow an admin to enter days that are In Session (Billable), Out of Session (non billable) or In Session (non billable) on a calendar
  8. Meals > Times

    The Meals > Times screen allows centers to add times meals will be served for each type of meal.
  9. Attendance- Attendance Audit - Excel (Activity ID 1516)

    This report displays a record of staff check ins/check outs, including the date/time of check-in/check-out, staff ID, and the PIN or User Name of the person who checked the staff member in or out.
  10. Family Record, Financials Tab - PrePay Deposit

    The PrePay Deposit option allows administrators to accept prepayments for families in the system. This is frequently used by businesses that accept prepayments, but do not want to have a large credit on a family's financial ledger.  Navig...