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  1. Health - Immunization Missing Report - PDF

    The Immunization Missing Report will show a list of past due immunizations and immunizations received to date. Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Immunization Missing Report Sample.pdf Accessing the Report Click Rep...
  2. System Config > Connect Portal, Create Connect Portal User Names

    Selecting this option will create user names for guardians that do not currently have one created. The user name is generated based on the User Name Format field.  Please  Note : User names in the system prior to this batch job will no...
  3. Meals - CACFP Participants Roster - PDF/Excel

    The Participants Roster lists all students with a CACFP status as a PDF or Excel. Report Conditions Center is not a required field; if left blank, the report will run for the entire business If dates are not selected, the report will run for t...
  4. Registration Fee Examples

    The following registration fees will apply when using the Semester Cost At Room/Program and Semester Family & Room/Program when setting up the semester.  Registration During Regular  Enrollment Period If family registers during th...
  5. Health - Allergy and Special Care List Without Contact Details

    Report Description The Allergy & Special Care List displays all students with allergy/special care detail in the system. Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report name to view a sample:  Allergy And Special Care List...
  6. Enrollment - Capacity Enrollment Remaining - PDF

    Report Description The Capacity Enrollment Remaining report displays the month's total capacity for a room, current number of students enrolled, and remaining spots left.  Report Conditions N/A Sample Report Click the report na...
  7. Setup > Room, Room/Program - Upload a Classroom Picture

    A classroom image can be displayed during registration, to upload a classroom photo, follow the instructions below: Navigate to the Setup screen, click Setup from the menu Select Classroom Select the correct Semester Locate the correct Catego...
  8. Staff- CACFP Weekly Time Sheet

    The CACFP Weekly Time sheet allows staff to calculate the amount of time spent on particular activities related to CACFP for a week. The staff member must be checked into a site for the report to generate.  Report Conditions The Center ...
  9. Release Notes REL_Jan_30_2020

    The following features are coming January 30, 2020!  Associated Jira Feature Description DCW-6 Reports > Schedule Reports needs activity IDs DCW-25 Add Transaction ID/Order Number to Payments API DCW-28 Create Meal ...
  10. Roster - Activity Roster (Version 2) - Excel/PDF

    The Activity Roster - Excel - Version 2 report displays a roster of the children enrolled in an activity for a program including the detailed information on the enrollment information for the program.