Popular Articles

  1. Teacher/Staff Portal - At a Glance

    The At a Glance tile within the teacher/staff portal allows staff to pull a report with center, semester, classroom, and student information. From the teacher/staff portal home screen, click At a Glance Enter the Search Criteria - using no crit...
  2. Health - Allergy/Alert - Excel/PDF

    Report Description The Allergy/Alert report pulls allergies for students with allergy/alert detail on file by center. Report Conditions When no date is selected, the data will pull for the current day When entering the From Date, data will ...
  3. Family Record, Financials Tab - Recreate Current Statement

    One of the features of defined billing is the ability to recreate billing for the current period . This means that if schedules have been added, attendance has been recorded, rates have been changed, or discounts have been added, the rate billed ...
  4. Family > Lead Management, Adding Activity/Calendar Events

    Adding an Activity Once a family has been added and saved on the Lead Management page , an Activity section will appear. Activities allow users to track interactions with families prior to a student being accepted into the center. To add a new act...
  5. InSite Classroom - Take Attendance, Move

    To move students to a different room, follow the steps below: From the Take Attendance action screen, select Move Select the student(s) from the left that should be moved Select the room the students should be moved to. This screen also di...
  6. Family > Grade Change

    The Family > Grade Change screen is used to change the grade level for multiple children at one time. The current grade level of a child is displayed on the Children tab within the family record.  Best Practice : If updating multiple grade...
  7. Teacher/Staff Portal - Programs

    The Program tile allows teachers/staff to pull reports based on certain criteria.  In the Classroom Reports section, use the View drop-down and select a report type - see below for report details Choose the Report Criteria Center - select a...
  8. Balance and Collection- Accounts Receivable Report - PDF

    The Accounts Receivable report displays the open balances by program, child and family. Overall balances are split between family and specific agency totals.
  9. Release Notes QA 19.6.4

    The following features are coming June 4, 2019! Please click the link, if applicable, for more information on the new/updated features. Associated Jira Feature Description CQ-3607 Transition Report - X's showing on multiple ro...
  10. Child/Family - Child Supervision Record - Excel

    Report Description The Child Supervisor Record displays each student checked in and out of each classroom in 30 minute increments and the staff member who checked them in/out. Report Conditions A date must be selected Sample Report Clic...