Popular Articles

  1. Family Import Sheet

    The family import is where child, parent and contact detail can be added so that the detail is uploaded to your system.
  2. Attendance - Weekly AM/PM Attendance - Excel

    Report Description The Weekly AM/PM Attendance report displays Present or Absent.  Report Conditions If data is pulled at the business level, each center is on a separate tab If data is pulled at the center level, each room displays on a se...
  3. Admins > Add New Administrator

    Administrators are users that can log into the the admin side of the system. Administrators can be assigned roles that restrict their access to activities and location access.
  4. Basic Navigation/Searching Tips

    Searching within DayCare Works/SchoolCare Works is easy, there are a couple of methods. You will find that you may use each method in varying circumstances.
  5. Setup > Third Party

    Setting up a third party sponsor.
  6. Creating or Editing a Category

    How to setup or edit categories in the system.
  7. Home > Information, Tiles

    On the home page the square icons display the navigation tiles.
  8. Family Record, Parents Tab - Connect Password Reset

    To add or change a username or password for a parent so they are able to access the parent or Connect portal, go to the family's record within the system- then select the Parent tab.
  9. Setup > Semester

    By setting up and using semesters, students will have classroom assignments with a start and end date.
  10. Connect > Announcements

    The Announcements section from the Connect menu will allow admin/staff users to enter announcements to the parent portal, staff portal or to the admin side of the site.